
Patrick Topping Announces Alcohol-Free Daytime “Sober Rave”

Renowned DJ and producer Patrick Topping just announced plans for a sober daytime rave, coinciding with the celebration of Sober October. In an Instagram post, Topping shared, “I’m putting on a Sober October Rave! No alcohol will be served and it will be during the day“.

Topping, who began playing sober in 2017, emphasized that the event isn’t about opposing alcohol, but instead about offering an alternative experience, often underlooked by eventgoers. “I just want to provide an opportunity for people to enjoy raving together without feeling the pressure to drink“, he stated.

The daytime rave aims to put the spotlight back on the music while promoting a healthier environment for attendees. Topping said the event will be held during the day so that everyone is full of energy. He likes the idea of people being able to go without feeling sick or tired afterward.

Topping’s announcement comes just over a year after a new, alcohol-free club night from Mina debuted at Colour Factory in Hackney Wick. The growing trend of alcohol-free events reflects a shift towards healthier lifestyles and a desire for inclusive spaces where everyone can enjoy music and dancing without the pressure to consume alcohol.

Adding even more excitement to the announcement, Daytime clubbing/raving has seen an increment in interest on the internet and across all age groups lately.

With Topping’s influence and the increasing popularity of alcohol-free events, it is expected that his Sober October Rave will attract a significant following. As the event draws closer, fans can anticipate a unique and memorable experience that celebrates the power of music and community.

[H/T] DJ Mag

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