
Burning Man Makes Unprecedented Move Following Poor Ticket Sales

Burning Man is just a few weeks away, and ticket sales aren’t looking great. Last year, they of course had their infamous fiasco where no one could leave the event due to poor weather. Some escaped including Diplo and Chris Rock by walking across the ruined playa. Festivalgoers had to stay in their campsites, save food, fuel, and water, and keep their electronics covered. Fortunately, after a few bad days and numerous rumors including an ebola outbreak, attendees were able to leave Black Rock City.

This year, ticket sales have not been hot. Burning Man Project organizers are implementing an unprecedented move to sell tickets. Now even if you didn’t pre-register, you can still buy tickets on-demand through the OMG Ticket Sale. Typically tickets are not available this close to the event, which begins on Aug. 25. Tickets start at $575 before taxes and fees. 

Marian Goodell, CEO of Burning Man Project, had this to say in a press release:

“We are pleased to have fulfilled demand for our earlier sales and be in a position to offer greater access to more people as the event nears. This ticket sale is an exciting opportunity to connect more people interested in Burning Man and the arts and culture.”

We really hope the playa stays in great condition for burners this year. Unprecedented rain would be another heavy blow to the community.


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