In Conversation with Semark: Unveiling His Approach to DJing and What’s Next in His Musical Career

We are excited to have the talented DJ and Producer Semark join us for this exclusive interview. Semark is becoming known across Electronic Music for his dynamic live sets and unique signature style that blends late 90s House and Trance influences with contemporary sounds. With a commitment towards growing his following and reputation on the Electronic Music scene, Semark seems poised to keep driving his creativity forward, aiming to expand his reach as he elevates his sound and approach. Today, he shares insights into his journey, his strategy for creating DJ sets, and what’s next on his musical horizon. 

Hi Semark! How have you been? 

I’m very well, thank you! 

Could you share who or what inspired you towards your DJ journey, and how do those inspirations show up in your DJ sets? 

Sure, it was the music first and foremost. I became obsessed with dance music when I was about 8 years old. As I learned more about it, it became clear to me that I wanted to be a DJ. The music I first discovered was late ’90s House and Trance, very mainstream stuff as I was hearing it on the radio and TV. These inspirations mainly show up today in my own tracks and also a lot of remixes that I play. 

When putting together a new DJ mix, what’s your strategy? How do you decide on the tracks and in what order they should be played? 

I suppose it depends on what the mix is for. For a long time now, I’ve been mixing in key or harmonic mixing. So, I use this technique to give my sets some direction. 

What are some of the technical aspects of your DJ style? Which is your preferred music gear and why? 

My favourite setup is the Pioneer CDJ-3000 and DJM-900NXS2 combo. I’ve used Pioneer gear for such a long time now, I’m very comfortable with it. The effects section is great, and I like using it to add a “live” element to my sets. 

Part of a vital skill for a DJ is adapting to a crowd. Did you have an experience where you had to change your set on the spot to better adjust to the audience’s energy? 

I have played at some events where the headline DJs have played a completely different style to what they are known for. In these cases, I have just had to read the crowd and see what they respond to. I feel that reading a crowd is one of my strong points. 

Throughout your DJ career, what has been one of your most memorable highlights behind the decks? 

That’s such a tough one to answer as there have been a lot of memorable moments. To single one out seems impossible. It is always very memorable, though, when I get the chance to play one of my own tracks or remixes and see it go down well! 

What are some of the biggest obstacles you’ve experienced DJing, and how did you find ways to overcome them? 

From a technical point of view, probably bad monitoring. I end up relying on my headphones a lot more if this is the case. Other than that, probably just my own self-limiting beliefs! By taking one day at a time and staying focused, I find these less of a problem today. 

How has your style of DJing evolved over the years? 

I feel like when I first started playing in clubs, I was more reserved behind the decks, head-down mixing kind of style. Now, though, I can be more of an entertainer and jump on the mic to hype the crowd if it’s that kind of party! 

Were there some collaborations that made a significant impact on your DJ career? 

There have been some big collaborations over the years that have had an impact on me musically. Magnetic Man was one for sure, and Swedish House Mafia. 

What advice would you give to emerging DJs who are just starting out on their journey and trying to rise in the ranks as a DJ? 

My main piece of advice for any DJ just starting out would be to get yourself in front of an audience as often as you can. It is possible to become highly technically skilled whilst practising at home, but it’s only through playing to a crowd that you learn how to keep a dance floor moving. 

What’s next for Semark? Are there any upcoming projects, mixes, or performances that you’re looking forward to? 

I have a few exciting things coming up! I’ve been working hard in the studio and have lots of music to share, starting with a release in June! Also, I have a summer residency in Kavos, Corfu, which starts soon. I also have a guest mix coming up. It’s looking like a good year, and I can’t wait to get going! 

During our conversation, Semark’s deep passion for Electronic Music and dedication to perfecting his craft shone through. From his early inspirations to his current projects, it’s clear that Semark remains committed to raising the bar of his creativity, cementing himself as a determined creator within Electronic Music today. As he looks forward to new releases and exciting performances, be sure to keep an eye on Semark’s journey by following him across social media.  

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