
EDMTunes Exclusive Chat With Night Tales

Calling all electronic music enthusiasts! EDMTunes is thrilled to present an exclusive interview with Night Tales. A sensational duo known for their captivating blend of electronic music and emotive vocals. Rising to stardom in the house music scene, Night Tales are rapidly establishing their reputation with their unique mix of house, electronic, and pop elements, often coupled with soul-stirring lyrics. Prepare to embark on a journey through their musical evolution. Discover what they have in store for their fans this year in this electrifying interview.

Credit: Tim Stephens
Congratulations on your new hit single ‘From Inside’ just in time for Summer. So groovy, perfect for this summer festival season! Especially love the vocals. Can you dive a little deeper into your creative process and inspiration?

It is easy to fall into the trap of being validated by external influence. ‘From Inside’ is about asking yourself what you are actually feeling with no noise from the outside. When you are honest with that part of yourself, it can lead to more authentic relationships where both people can be themselves. The inspiration for ‘From Inside’ came from an experience I (Kam) had in Laguna Beach, and me wanting to capture that feeling, a memory. For the creative process, we aimed to make a deep house anthem that was emotional but also radiated a sonic vibe that makes listeners and festival crowds want to dance throughout it.

Being a duo how do you manage making collective decisions, what is the secret? As I am sure there could be possible creative differences that may arise?

When we’re in the studio, we collaborate to generate creative ideas and bounce them off each other. We are open to listening to each other’s ideas because we have a mantra – doing what’s best for the song. All our ideas are geared towards this intention. If there’s ever a disagreement, we always aim to find a compromise. Thankfully, we don’t disagree on a lot, so it’s been pretty smooth. Our secret is to listen to each other, make sure we’re on the same page, and always prioritize what’s best for our music!

You have had a busy past few weeks with festival sets like Breakaway Tampa & Project Glow. How was that experience? And maybe tell us what your dream festival would be to play at in the future?

We have been fortunate to play at 5 Breakaway festivals so far, and the one in Tampa was our favorite. The crowd’s energy was amazing, and the event was well-organized. The weather was perfect, making it a spectacular experience. We feel lucky to have checked Coachella off our bucket list this year with BLOND:ISH. Additionally, we’ve had the opportunity to play at the Brooklyn Mirage 2-3 times, for which we are very grateful. One of our biggest dreams in America is to perform at the Red Rocks Amphitheater. That would be the pinnacle for us. Both Kam and I have vision boards, and Red Rocks is a top item on both of our lists.

We loved seeing you guys debut at Coachella with non-other than BLOND:ISH who you have an upcoming collab with? That’s a huge move – what kick-started this collaboration? 

We are published by Ultra Publishing, and Danny organizes a lot of sessions for us. He recently informed us about an upcoming opportunity with BLOND:ISH. She typically brings together a group of writers and producers in one room to create magic. We had an idea that we’ve been working on for about 4 months, and when we played it for her, it caught her attention. There’s a good chance it will be featured in one of her upcoming albums! You can check out a sneak peek of the upcoming collaboration from Coachella below.

Your debut album Proof took fans on a journey through the 12 tracks! What are your plans in terms of new music in the near future, would it include a new album?

The album was a really good experiment and a masterpiece as a cohesive piece of art. Looking back at where we were at the time as a duo, Proof might have been a bit premature, but we are proud of it. Right now, Kam and I handle everything from top to bottom. We write and produce together, and then send it off to the mixing engineers.

Currently, we are looking to expand by working with other producers and writers. We have been in the studio not only with BLOND:ISH, but also with Shallou and Wax Motif. Some great music is being produced. Our goal is to make really good songs that support our touring. Collaborating with other great artists helps us evolve our music. If there is an idea or theme that we feel strongly about, we will pursue it. We have great and new audiences as we tour, so we can test out our material to see if they like it and can expand our reach.

How has the sound of Night Tales evolved since you started and what has driven it to what it is today?

That is great question. The evolution of our music has been significant. When you listen to our first three singles from 2017, you’ll notice that they are quite different from each other. For example, ‘Want‘ is a fan favorite, but it’s not the style we are currently pursuing. Initially, we experimented with different genres before honing in on our mutual love for electronic music.

We started our journey in Australia, where we supported Hayden James. However, the electronic music community there is relatively small. To connect with our fan base, we made the decision to move to the United States. Our first show in the States was at Electric Zoo, followed by a performance at Brooklyn Mirage. We’ve come a long way since then.

The evolution of our live shows especially stands out. While we still maintain our core live show, we’ve incorporated more showmanship and energy, infusing urban hip-hop and R&B soul elements into our performances. This has influenced the style of music we create. Despite the diversity in our music, Kam’s voice remains the constant thread throughout.

As we continue to tour, we’ve noticed that our audience wants to have a great time and party. This shift has transformed our live shows, where we’ve put new spins on our original songs and adapted them to fit a more festival-like format.

I am stoked about you lads going on tour with Jerro! Alongside that, what do you have planned for the rest of year?

The Jerro tour is a significant one. We’ll be participating in more festivals, such as the Elements Festival, and a few more Breakaways including Minnesota and Minneapolis for the first time. We will also be visiting Nashville, where we were stranded for three months during the pandemic.

What are the most impost lessons you have learnt in your career so far?

We stayed true to our musical style, even when we weren’t getting much recognition initially. When the pandemic hit, we decided to release a song every month. We didn’t realize that our music was gaining attention from parties worldwide. We continued to believe in our sound, which we feel is timeless and not bound to any specific trend. Our song ‘Friends,’ released in 2018, is still popular today. We learned to stay open to collaborations and be patient when considering new opportunities. In 2022, ‘Friends’ went from 500,000 streams to 25 million. This experience taught us to be creative with contracts and not settle for something if we have doubts. We realized that we have more power than we thought. It’s all about believing in yourself and having patience!

Lets do a fun one – In an alternate universe if you weren’t in the music industry what would you have done?

Kam: I would have loved to be an engineer, surgeon or some type of inventor.

Aaron: I excelled in sports during my youth, and I likely would have pursued a career as a professional footballer or worked in the sports industry, perhaps as a personal trainer!

Any last words to your fans!

Thank you to all our fans for believing in us and loving our music. We’ve had some great fan interactions, and that will be something we’ll keep close to our hearts. This makes it all worth it!

We had a great time chatting with Aaron & Kam from Night Tales, check out their music if you haven’t yet! Hope you can catch them in North America this summer, here are their tour dates. Stay tuned to EDMTunes for all your dance music updates!

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