
Tomorrowland Shares Behind The Scenes of Digital Event

Tomorrowland held ‘Around The World’, a wonderful digital event last summer. Now, the organization of the prestigious festival share some footage of how was the fact of recording such a huge digital event. And a new one could take place during NYE…

Tomorrowland started this small documentary adressing the very sad cancelation of Tomorrowland Winter only a few days before taking place. The mountains of Alpe d’Huez will have to wait for a new edition. The organization recently confirmed that Tomorrowland Winter will not take place either on 2021.

As cancellations started to invade every single country, and affecting all the major festivals, the music industry had to do something or they would lose the whole summer season. Livestreams and digital events started to emerge, but then Tomorrowland took it to another level creating their own planet. Thanks to the wonderful stages, perfectly recorded sets, amazing timetables and the festival’s essence, Tomorrowland Around The World was the best digital event of the season.

Now, you can learn how the organization managed to invite the DJs to perform and help build the wonderful digital event. It is clear that if Tomorrowland gets involved, the result has to be great, and Around The World did not dissapoint. Custom stages, amazing designs and espectacular virtual stages hosted almost a million people.

Tomorrowland Could Return With a NYE Digital Event

Although Tomorrowland’s pioneering Virtual Festival sold 140,000 tickets, the organization struggled to turn a profit. Obviously, for such a big digital event, the production costs were very, very high. Great news is that Tomorrowland could be back with a new digital event as soon as this New Year Eve.

While the coronavirus spread keeps happening, the vaccine is not ready yet and the number of cases keep growing, a digital event is pretty much the only thing we can expect right now. Besides, the People of Tomorrow are really looking forward for the next edition of classic Tomorrowland. But while it can not be possible, digital events like ‘TML Around The World’ are great joy for the fans.

Make sure to enjoy this video-adventure by Tomorrowland and its digital event in this link or in the embed below. And remember, Live Today, Love Tomorrow, Unite Forever.

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