
Bars Are Reopening In New Orleans Without Live Music

The Bars in New Orleans are already opening, but it’s a slow and steady reopening. The Government limited Capacity to 25% and prohibited live music. Clearly the attractiveness to returning tourists remains an open question.

Beginning June 13, the New Orleans government allowed bars to reopen. The city did not enter phase two along with the rest of the state of Louisiana on June 5. Music venues will remain closed and festivals are still prohibited, but outdoor live entertainment is allowed with a special event permit.

The owners of these bars say they had amazing business prior to the lockdown. Now they are still stuck with uncertainty and doubt, not knowing if opening their bars with certain restrictions is good or is just delaying bankruptcy.

“I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do at 25% when someone who’s been coming here for years turns up and I’m already at my cap. How’s he going to feel about that?”. “What is social distancing at a bar anyway?”

Rollin “Bullet” Garcia Sr., owner of Bullet’s Sports Bar to NOLA

Bourbon Street, has been undergoing a bit of a reawakening over the past few weeks.

Although many people still don’t go to these bars very often, bar owners and employees can return to their activities. In a city that was once a COVID hotspot, that’s an improvement for sure.

New Orleans bars reopening, between Anxiety and no Live Music

Bars and jobs recover with the reopening, but authorities are constantly anxious about a new coronavirus spike.

“I can see another spike coming and having everything get shut down again”

Rollin “Bullet” Garcia Sr., owner of Bullet’s Sports Bar

There will be no musicians on stage at Fortner’s Tropical Isle bars on Bourbon Street. That prevents people from congregating near the stage. It also eliminates the possibility that a singer belting out a song could also be unknowingly spreading the virus.

Although some bar owners don’t understand this measure.

“Why are they picking on the musicians?”

The constant complaint from the bar owners regarding live music.

This measure has left some bars without their main acts and some bars like The Maple Leaf have decided to keep their doors closed.

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