
Compare Your Spotify Tastes With Friends On musictaste.space

During quarantine, many of us are finding ourselves streaming music while locked up inside. Perhaps, your music world has expanded to new artists or genres you never spent much time listening to. In any case, you can now compare your music tastes with friends and family with a new app called musictaste.space. Created this year by Kalana Vithana, the app compiles your Spotify data for users to share and compare with others.

In all, the comprehensive results will let you know just how similar your music taste is to others. The online app is simple to use and you’ll have your results in seconds. Once logged into the site with your Spotify account, you’ll press the words “Get My Spotify Data”. From here, the site will do all of the sorting and data collecting that would take hours to do manually. Once completed, you’ll receive your top artists, tracks, and genres. You’ll also have a link to share your results with friends who can see how compatible their music taste is with yours.

The site will also create a custom playlist based on artists and tracks you share with friends. Overall, the site does have some bugs to smooth out and you may have some troubles retrieving your music results if the site is experiencing high traffic. Still, it’s a great concept that takes it a bit further than other music summary apps like Spotify’s end of the year summaries.

Musictastes.space is free to use and a great way to learn more about our friends, even when we can’t be face-to-face. Unfortunately, the site will only work with Spotify – but you do not need a premium account to try it out. Lastly, you can read more about how and why their team built the site here.

After trying out the site, let us know how you liked it!

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