
Calvin Harris Throws Down Another Love Regenerator Livestream

As this pandemic goes on, DJs seem to keep trying to make us smile with new music. 2020 started with some pretty wild news and this one is not the exception. Calvin Harris released 2 new tracks this year near Valentine’s under the ‘Love Regenerator’ alias but this is far from over as he just streamed the third one. Calvin Harris just hit us with the second Love Regenerator live-stream.

It features two new tracks from ‘Love Regenerator 3’ that really sound like classic Calvin Harris, but with a twist into something new and fresh. Fans quickly rushed into the livestream to get on track with this new art and you should definitely go do the same. Love Regenerator 3 is out and a total blast. You can watch the whole livestream here. The set starts at minute 11:44, you are welcome.

Calvin, highly interactive and close to the fans, was even taking requests for the set. The definitive highlights are up to each one of us to mention, but boy is there a lot of content to choose from.

Let us know what you think about these new tracks presented on the Love Regenerator live-stream. They sure create a peaceful, lovely, happy vibe, don’t you think? If you loved them, you can keep listening to them on repeat below. The writer personally thinks these are instant classics.

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