
Governor’s Ball Announces New Age Policy

After a somewhat chaotic end to this year’s festival, The Governor’s Ball is announcing a new age policy for 2020. Attendees 17 or younger must now attend the music festival with a ticket-holding adult who is 21 or older.

The new age policy is one of the more prominent changes found in the festival’s newest web page discussing modifications for 2020. Earlier this year, the festival’s founders hosted a Reddit AMA, which resulted in many users voicing concern about improper IDing.

Adults who are escorting attendees 17 or younger must bring a valid form of I.D. Adults 21 and older can accompany up to two ticketholders aged 17 or younger.

Those planning on attending The Governor’s Ball can view the new age policy online. The policy also provides an I.D. guide of what the festival will and will not accept.

In addition to its age policy, The Governor’s Ball will enhance other festival features for its 10th anniversary in 2020. VIP ticket holders will have new perks including fast lanes, private Wi-Fi and dedicated bathrooms attendants to improve cleanliness.

The Governor’s Ball will also offer VIP Lux, which “combines the perks of regular VIP with the comfort, style, and exclusivity of a Luxury Suite experience”. VIP areas will only be available to attendees 21 or older.

General improvements the festival announced include more water stations and a bigger focus on-site cleanliness. In addition to more trash and recycling areas, engaging sustainability initiatives aim to help with the festival’s cleanliness.

With The Governor’s Ball set to take place June 5-7, 2020 in New York City, festival-goers must wait nearly 200 days to see the new initiatives and policies put into action.

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