
Moby Gets ‘Vegan For Life’ Tattoo on Neck

Did you hear Moby was a vegan? Maybe you heard about him selling all his unused DJ equipment last year, while donating all the proceeds to the vegan health organization PCRM. Or maybe you heard about his vegan restaurant in LA called Little Pine, and former vegan cafe called Teany which he ran in NYC for 13 years. While a quick glance at his social media presence gleams of veganism, animal-rights and anti-russia posts, Moby cranked up his activism a notch this week introducing a ‘Vegan For Life’ tattoo on his neck.

Along with lewd acts against Donald Trump, inappropriate claims of dating Natalie Portman (who cares if it is true or not), Moby is back from his social media “hiatus”, and wants some attention.

“I’ve been a vegan for almost 32 years, so getting this tattoo seemed like a pretty safe bet. Also, working for animal rights and animal liberation is my life’s work. And to state the obvious, it’s a double entendre…”

Natalie Portman Controversy

Back in May, Moby said he was going to “go away for a while” on Instagram. This came cancelling all remaining UK and Irish dates on his Then It Fell Apart memoir book tour. Controversy around his claims of dating actress Natalie Portman from the book were blowing up. Moby went so far challenged his depiction of Portman (who was 18 at the time when he was 37 years old) and went so far as to defend that it “actually happened”. Moby later issued an apology, especially for not asking permission from Portland.

I wish the Grammy award winning DJ and producer was in the spotlight for his music. Like his collaboration with A$AP Rocky. Or his album last year, or the remix package of his classic track ‘Porcelain’ in 2016 where both Arty and Above and Beyond dropped heavy remixes. But this unfortunately isn’t the case.

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