
NSFW: Flume Eating His Girlfriend’s A** at Burning Man

It’s not exactly the meet and greet we were hoping for. Instead, one woman on stage at Burning Man Festival 2019 got more of an eat and greet.

Anyone who’s attended will tell you that Burning Man is an anything goes type of event, and Australian producer Flume has surely lived up to this. In the middle of his set in Black Rock City, a viral video captured him sticking his face into the rear end of a woman, right on top of the DJ booth.

The video was removed shortly after being posted via Instagram to user @myfriendpaige. Regardless, a Reddit user was able to capture it. Though her face is out of view, the girl is suspected to be Paige Elkington, who Flume is supposedly dating. You can view the video below.

It’s unclear what exactly sparked this erotic act. However a previous photo on the user’s Instagram story showing a sign in the crowd reading, “Does Flume even eat ass?” might’ve been a motivating factor for Flume to set some things straight.

Per usual, the footage has gained viral attention and earned its share of funny (and filthy) reactions. Check them out! Flume is yet to respond to the video. Butt that’s enough Internet for today.

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