
Spotify For Podcasters is Moving Out of Beta Version

Spotify for podcasters

There is a crazy amount of hype about the future of podcasts. Like $500 million worth of hype. With tech companies investing in the future of podcasts, Spotify is ahead of the curve for their content creators. Much like the successful analyzing tool Spotify For Artists, the music tech company has a new tool to share. Spotify For Podcasters.

Across 75 countries, Spotify has over 200 million listeners tuning in. With a podcast audience doubling in size since the start of 2019, catering to their content creators is a smart move to keep them happy.

On top of the $500 million investment, Spotify acquired 2 major podcast companies in February: Anchor and Gimlet Media. Apple is currently hosting close to 500,000 podcasts, while Spotify has continued to grow at a quick rate since the start of the year.

Signing such acts such as Barack and Michelle Obama, Spotify is really pumping out content into the podcast world. Giving the content creators these tools to analyze their data of who is listening and where, gives creators a new means to target their content

All in all, only time will tell if the future of listening includes podcasts. With companies investing in the future of this medium of listening, content creators are submitting new material more than ever. With these changes to Spotify For Podcasters, users can upload and start podcasts for free. As if there wasn’t enough new music to listen to, perhaps check out the podcasts section in your Spotify account next time you are bored.

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