Over the last few months, the next destination for Ultra Music Festival has been a hot topic in Miami. Today, the Miami Beach City Commission has voted NO (5-2) to create a home for Ultra.
Although this last year was not the best for the legendary music festival, Miami has not completely given up on the festival yet. In fact, Miami commissioners are seeking a way to save the future for the festival.
Despite the fact that the discussion today did not go in Ultra’s favor, commissioners are still fighting to find a solution for the festival in 2020.
Earlier this year, Ultra ended their contract with their recent location at Virginia Key due to various reasons leading to an unsafe environment for the festival. Ultra was never bad for Miami’s economy; in previous years, the festival managed to bring in $79 million into the city of Miami.
However, many topics such as time change of the festival and raising the age limit to 21+ were taken into account. Miami Beach still found reasons to say no to letting Ultra create a permanent future there. Earlier today Homestead approved speedway request for extended hours & 10-year contract to lure Ultra. Where will the marquee festival head to?