
Lee Burridge’s USB Stolen From CDJs After Set, Asks for Kind Return

As a DJ, your USB is perhaps the most important thing in your possession at the club. It contains all the specifically selected and formatted tracks you need to rock the CDJs. So when someone takes your USB when you leave the DJ booth to greet fans, it’s understandably upsetting. This is exactly the situation that led Lee Burridge to make a long Facebook post on November 13th addressed to an unknown culprit.

A thief at Return to Rio in Sydney, Australia not only caused offense to Burridge personally, but also can potentially ruin quite a few things for many people. Many artists, Burridge included, keep unreleased tracks from friends and colleagues on their USBs. And as the leading force of All Day I Dream, Burridge holds many pre-released tracks on his drive.

As of now, Lee has explained that he will gladly overlook the theft “if you return the USB and don’t add it to your iTunes”. He also included the “fact there was 360 degree camera on stage”, and you can bet that they will be checking it.

You can read Lee’s entire post below, or on his Facebook page. Undoubtedly a video will surface with evidence. Until then we can only hope that the person who decided taking someone else’s flash drive is nice enough to bring it back. And without adding it to their iTunes!

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