
Tomorrowland Customer Data Hacked in Paylogic Breach

2018 has definitely been a great year for Tomorrowland. After a magnificent 14th edition with the theme of The Story Of Planaxis, where the main stage had a total makeover from previous years, a summer residency of Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike in Ibiza with an upcoming exclusive Steelyard, London show in December (teaming up with Creamfields) and the totally unawaited announcement of Tomorrowland Winter happening at the beginning of 2019, we can only say that Tomorrowland has become a giant in the electronic dance music industry, a giant that brings music, happiness and joy to every single corner of the world.

But running a business of this scale comes, of course, with a lot of responsibilities. For the past 5 years, Tomorrowland has trusted its ticket sales to Paylogic, a ticketing platform that specializes in selling tickets for major events. This week, Tomorrowland has been informed that due to a recent system glitch in Paylogic, the personal data of many visitors that attended Tomorrowland during 2014 has been released to an unknown party.

The official email that ticket holders have received states:

“The data accessed was linked to your account and included limited personal information (name, email address, gender, age, and postal code). Other personal data like your bank details, credit card information, passwords, and other sensitive data have NOT been affected. Tomorrowland highly values your privacy and the protection of your personal information and therefore wants to inform you of this breach personally. We have reported this Paylogic incident – which does not implicate data from festival editions other than 2014 – to the authorities and we have instructed Paylogic to conduct a thorough investigation of all security procedures to prevent similar incidents from happening again. We are currently not aware of any malicious use of your data but would encourage you to be extra careful when receiving emails about ticket sales and promotions that do not originate from the official Paylogic or Tomorrowland communication channels.”

Although there is not further information on the matter, we can rest assured that no sensitive information such as credit card details has been released. But we certainly suggest you to pay extra attention if you receive an email from Tomorrowland.

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