
EDMTunes Chats With Chocolate Puma

Chocolate puma
Chocolate Puma via Twitter

Tonight you’re playing the last show of your 25th anniversary world tour at the Doheny room. What’s been your favorite part of celebrating 25 years, and what does closing it out in Miami mean to you?

Gaston: I think one of the best parts, is that we always look forward, when producing music, when playing music, always looking for the next thing. And with this tour, we kinda looked back for the first time. It was really cool to discover all this music we used to play back in the day. We rediscovered our own tracks, and tracks by other producers.

Rene: To close in Miami, its always nice to be here, and we do a really small show, for like 150 lucky fans. It’s going to be intimate close 25 years out.

There are a lot of people that don’t realize the electronic dance music industry has been around for 20 plus years. Since you’ve been able to witness first hand how it’s evolved, what’s your take on the current state of it?

Gaston: It’s so much more professional right now. You compare it to when we started out, people weren’t even paying attention to us, we were stuck in a corner and afterward, we had to clean toilets. Then we saw a growth from being just somebody playing records to being almost a rock star. There was a huge shift from then to now.

Rene: In the beginning, we were playing records nobody knew about and we always thought this is good music too, not just the music you hear on the radio. Everybody should listen to them. That has changed, now the pop music of today is electronic music, house music. It’s the biggest thing now.

I read on Twitter that you’ve made so much new music that you cant even fit it into one year, will you be debuting any of that new music this week? When can we expect to hear more of it?

Gaston: Actually we played Firebeatz and Friends and we only played all new records except for two classic ones. We locked ourselves up in the studio at the beginning of this year and we made music. Our first single just came out – ‘Gotta Get Away’ ft. Chateau. And then every few weeks we’ll release something new.

Rene: And we still making new music in between so there will be more tracks.

What would you say to someone trying to make it as a producer?

Rene: Do what you like, make music from your heart and soul. Don’t try to be the next Martin Garrix, be the next new guy or girl. If you’re doing it and enjoy it, don’t let anybody hold you back.

What’s one thing you always bring on tour with you?

Gaston: Each other…and the music.

Rene: Clean underwear, iPad, computer.

Where do you get your signature glasses?

Rene: These are vintage from 1983, and they are actually sunglasses, but we replaced the lenses with the prescription ones.

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