
Dirtybird Campout East Survival Guide (Camper Interview)

Dirtybird Campout East Survival GuideWe’ve been reporting on Dirtybird Campout East Coast since it got announced, and now the time is finally upon us. Fans from across the globe will arrive in St. Cloud, Florida on Thursday and Friday for a weekend of camp games and revelry. We’ve reported on schedules for DJ sets and camp activities and the new East Coast Campout compilation. There are arrival guides and other helpful informational materials on the official website. But now we bring you an insider’s perspective on how to approach Dirtybird‘s first east coast festival.

Garry Rivera  and Josie Pecha are a couple from Vancouver, Washington. Both are experienced Dirtybird Campers and have been to every Campout so far! I got a chance to sit down with the couple to get some insider tips on what Dirtybird is all about and how to survive the weekend adult summer camp.

Someone told me about this adult summer camp slash music festival and it sounds really cool! How would you describe Dirtybird Campout to someone who has never been before?

Josie P: It’s summer camp for adults! It’s the most unique and fun festival that I’ve ever been to. Honestly, have you heard of any other festivals like the Dirtybird Campout? 

Garry R: First of all, put away whatever notions of what you think a festival ought to look like. This festival is about family, our Birdfam, and what we are all building together. With our culture front and center, everything else from music, to games to contests just seems to fall in place.

Ok so you convinced me. I bought my ticket and I’m heading to St. Cloud, FL. What is the first thing I should know about Campout before I arrive?

JP: Go to the Dirtybird Website and familiarize yourself with the campgrounds, the lineups, and activities. That way you are prepared on where you want to set up camp. It also has FAQ’s and a checklist of things to pack for camp. Dirtybird does not miss a thing. 

GR: Join the Facebook community and engage. Find out what ideas your Birdfam has such as bringing gifts to hand out. If you’re traveling solo, try and get adopted by some of your Birdfam. You will have WAY more fun.

I saw all sorts of fun camp activities like kayaking and paddle boats, dodgeball, and even arts and crafts at “Craftopia!” What are your favorite activities that I just can’t miss?

JP: One thing that we keep telling ourselves not to miss is late night bingo! If you are not too burnt out from the afternoon things, Bingo is the place to be.

GR: If the music is the soul of Campout, the activities are the heart. This is where the Birdfam connects and makes new life long friends. I’m definitely gonna get my camp shirt swagged out at the screen printing teepee, tie-die is a must because, well Mija. And if you can stay up long enough, the wildest party and your chance to meet the DJs in their best form can only be found at Bingo! We already have our custom Bingo shirts and hats!

I’m hearing a lot about trading patches and bandanas and other cool stuff. I’m a last minute planner but I want to participate. What can I find at the last minute to bring and trade with other people?

JP: This is our first campout where we decided to gift to other campers. But in the past hugs, high fives and good vibes is all you need to bring.

GR: If you are truly hard-pressed or without ideas, don’t fret. Go to Craftopia at Campout! There you can make the most custom of customized Dirtybird swag that will be the envy of the campout!

I’ve listened to the Dirtybird East Coast Compilation and I’m getting pumped up. Who do I need to make sure I see? What newcomers should I keep an eye on?

JP: Oh my God. This is a loaded question because we want to see everybody. However, we try not to miss Christian Martin and Justin Martin. These two brothers never disappoint. Also, do not miss Get Real. This is new to Campout and we are most excited to see them.

GR: First rule if Campout: DON’T SLEEP! But if you have to, hit the sack at 7am and be up by 11am. This line-up is so stacked I can make this a very long answer but for me: Walker & Royce are killing it this year with their release of Self Help, Fisher because that dude delivers smiles for miles, Get Real (their synergy is off the charts), and Christian Martin‘s sunrise set. It’s a tradition.

The official music goes till early into the morning but I keep hearing about renegade sound camps and Dirtybirds playing surprise sets. What should I be looking forward to after the stages close?

JP: Honestly, that’s up to you. For us, going back to camp to decompress is what we look forward to when the stages are closed. Besides, you will continue to hear music playing all around you just from sitting at camp.

GR: Some of the BEST hidden talent can be found in the sound camps back at the campground. Walk around 5 minutes and you will find a camp going off with 50 Birdies flicking their wings. Don’t miss the secret Billy Kenny renegade set Sunday afternoon!

Is there anything else I should think about when I’m packing for this weekend? I’m getting pumped up already and I don’t want to forget essentials.

JP: Costumes, fun hats, and good vibes. Other than that, you can find a checklist on the Dirtybird Campout website and the Dirtybird Facebook group page .

GR:Pack your ass for shaking, your soul for being moved and your heart for the Birdfam.

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