
Flume – Hyperreal feat. Kučka

Flume – Hyperreal feat. Kučka

He’s done it again. It’s almost like he knows we’re craving new music and right on cue, he delivers. As the final release from all of his work on his second album Skin and its Companion EP I and II, Flume has released a bonus track to put a wrap on it all. This last touch is titled, ‘Hyperreal’ and features vocals from indie vocalist Kučka.

Somehow, Flume has managed to consistently produce these tracks that confuse us, yet are intoxicating at the same time. This latest track is no different. One can’t help but acknowledge the ethereal beauty of the vocals against the production style. The end result is an upbeat but elegant sound that has made tracks like this one become instantly recognizable as work from Harley. You can stream or download the track below. Let’s hope he has many more sound concoctions that he will be working on, but until then, you can expect to see Flume out on the road soon, so stay tuned!

Flume – Hyperreal feat. Kučka | Download

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