
Ariana Grande Offers to Pay for Victims’ Funerals

ariana grande

In the wake of the Manchester terror attack, pop singer Ariana Grande has felt an extreme sense of guilt. After the attack she tweeted that she was “broken” and she has since retreated from public view. While many have called for her to take a strong stance against the terrorism that killed her fans, so far she has canceled parts of her Dangerous Woman Tour and returned home to Boca Raton, Florida.

Now a fan site called Ariana Updates! shared a post saying that Ariana Grande has reached out to families of victims and offered to pay for their funerals. At this time the report is unconfirmed.

While it is a far cry from seizing the moment to denounce the vicious attacks and it won’t bring back the victims, it will provide a small sense of comfort to the families of those lost.

Source: Daily Mail

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