Earlier this year, Beyond Festival’s mini-Berghain, called ‘Berghenk’ as well as the VR simulator for the Berghain line became popular with the parodies of the exclusive nature continuing to roll in. Sven Marquardt, a career bouncer at the club, whom made it his duty to turn people away on a regular basis, is featured in ‘Berghain ze Game’.
“All kinds of people are standing in line trying to get in to Berghain, the world’s most notorious night club. As one of Berghain’s legendary bouncers, it’s your job to foster the right mix. Let the right people in, outshine your colleagues and win the game!”
The game has yet to hit full production, as it needs a little help getting off the ground. The developers will launching a Kickstarter soon so that you can enjoy this experience in the comfort of your own home or even better yet, play it on your way to getting rejected at the real Berghain in Berlin.
Via: Stoney Roads