
Yellow Claw MC Bizzey to Leave Group

Yellow Claw

In the dance music world, MCs hold a bit of a difficult position. While they hype the crowd in some instances, many fans find them distracting or at worst annoying. There are a few well known live MCs that immediately come to mind in the dance scene, for better or for worse. One DJ group with a well known MC is trap group Yellow Claw. MC Bizzey is a well known staple Yellow Claw, interacting with the crowd throughout their sets. Now, Bizzey is leaving the group to spend more time with his wife and young son.

The group took to Facebook to make the announcement and salute MC Bizzey. Their set at EDC Vegas was their last set as a trio, but the remaining two will carry on. It remains to be seen if they will get a new MC or simply carry on without a hype man. We’re sure plenty of fans would be absolutely thrilled if they decided to perform without a hype man in the future. In any event, we send our best wishes to MC Bizzey and his family.

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