
Porter Robinson’s Brother Hints At New Material For 2016

It’s hard to believe that Worlds still hasn’t celebrated its 2nd birthday. It feels like it’s been an eternity since Porter Robinson dropped his critically-acclaimed debut album in August of 2014. The LP featured standout tracks like “Sad Machine”, “Divinity”, “Flicker” and “Lionhearted” and even came with a world tour that was the talk of the electronic music community. Porter has not been shy about his desire to take a significant amount of time off before embarking on his next project, but a seemingly innocent tweet from his brother has Reddit freaking out.

This particular tweet is part of a lengthy rant from Mark Robinson. Mark seems to be fed up with the current state of electronic music and he decided to salute The M Machine, Anamanaguchi and his brother for “doing fresh shit this year”. While Porter Robinson hasn’t shared any plans to release new music in 2016, there is a chance that Mark might have the inside scoop. If this ends up being the case, we definitely have to thank Mark for spilling the beans!

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