
Egyptian Nightclub Burned Down After Dispute With Staff

More sad news to bring you unfortunately. Early Friday morning, two men were denied entry to an Egyptian night club and restaurant, El Sayad, and later that night, returned to the establishment with a host of others, firebombing the front door, killing 16 individuals and wounded another three.

After the two gentlemen were refused at the front door, they reportedly went to drink somewhere else. In Egypt, it is legal to sell alcohol, however, most clubs and restaurants don’t possess a permit due to the heavy constraints and bureaucratic red tape that one has to go through to obtain such a document, so there next destination(s) weren’t hard to track. At around 6 in the morning, the two angry patrons and four others, arrived on three motorcycles and chucked a Molotov cocktail through the entrance, which engulfed the only exit in flames. This prevented the 11 employees and five other unidentified individuals from escaping.

In recent months, Cairo’s Agouza district, where the club is located, has been fighting an increase in Islamic insurgence activity. Interior Ministry spokesman Abu Bakr Abdel-Karim and other offficials quickly declared that the act was not associated with terrorism with the six suspects are still at large.

Source: CTV

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