Seven Lions – Don’t Leave feat. Ellie Goulding (Tiesto vs Twoloud Remix)
Approximately half a year ago, Seven Lions linked up with Ellie Goulding to create ‘Don’t Leave‘, a illustrious jaw-dropping record that cues imminent chills up one’s spine. Ellie’s flawless voice gracefully flies over the emotional melodic production and has gained a reputation for being the peak song in artists sets for the beauty it orchestrates. Today, Tiesto and Twoloud have released their take on the song, which may make fans of the original cringe, due to their close emotional attachment to it. However, the two do a splendid job remixing ‘Don’t Leave’ and leave the vitals of the tune in place. They provide their uplifting progressive house gusto and simply rework the song’s structure for a more club-friendly environment.