
The Griswolds – Beware The Dog (Autograf Remix)

The Griswolds – Beware The Dog (Autograf Remix)

For Netflix lovers who watch the show New Girl starring the bubbly Zooey Deschanel, imagine this remix of ‘Beware The Dog‘ being placed in the series’ soundtrack. The classic surf-themed melody is spiced up with fun folk vocals brought to you by The Griswolds. In terms of the tropical house movement, Autograf looks to be in the batter’s box as Kygo seems to have slammed one home already and Thomas Jack is leading on second base, ready to steal third when the time is right. The recent flux of tropical-based tunes have showcased a bit too dainty of a sound on the surface, but Autograf coats that foundation with an upbeat and urban appeal. You can purchase your copy of his ‘Beware The Dog’ remix under Wind-up Records on iTunes below.

The Griswolds – Beware The Dog (Autograf Remix) | Purchase

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