
Hardwell Drops Deadmau5′ ‘Ghosts N Stuff’ at a Haunted Venue in New York

When superstar DJ’s Hardwell, Dyro and Dannic come together for a massive tour, audiences are bound to be shocked by their performances. That was not the case at Monday’s Revealed Recordings Bus Tour stop in Niagara Falls, New York though, as no one in the room was more surprised than the Revealed boss himself. The show took place at The Rapids Theatre, which just so happens to be known as one of the most haunted locations in Western New York. The venue was built in 1921, but the paranormal activity is said to have started after an actress committed suicide in the building. People have reported hearing voices and footsteps, witnessing doors slam and even seeing full blown apparitions. Since then, the theatre has been featured on Syfy’s Ghost Hunters and they have even opened their doors to the public for “guided ghost hunts”. There was no need for people in attendance to sign up for the hunt though, as the ghosts definitely made their presence known.

Dannic and Dyro’s sets went flawlessly, but when the #1 DJ in the world took over the decks, things began to take a turn for the worse. First, one of Hardwell’s CDJ’s stopped working in the middle of his set, leading to a couple minutes of silence, confusion… and a bit of fright. This may seem like a normal technical difficulty, but what happened next was a little harder to explain. Approximately 15 minutes later, another one of his CDJ’s began to skip, which is very unusual seeing as it was the world’s #1 DJ in command of the decks alongside his top-of-the-line equipment, as well as a phenomenal stage production crew put in place to ensure these malfunctions are avoided. Hardwell was visually startled by what had just happened and ended up pausing the show to discuss the history of the building that he had learned through us. While it would have been easy to pack up and move on to the next city, Hardwell fought back the only way he knows how: through music. The Dutch producer decided to turn the fright up a notch by dropping Deadmau5’s hit “Ghosts N Stuff” and had the crowd giving the spirit the middle finger to scare it away. In the end, the power of music worked and the rest of Hardwell’s set went off without a hitch. This just goes to show that the concept of ‘ghost producing’ and ‘ghost DJing’ is apparent in the industry, just not in the way we all thought.
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