Believe it or not: This guy’s message will inspire any aspiring DJ

DJ Hookie
If you’ve been wanting to start DJing but just can’t pull the trigger (ever convince yourself you don’t have enough gear or tracks to really get going?), then it’s time you took a page from the story of DJ Hookie.

“Initially you feel it is your responsibility to manage people’s misconceptions, then eventually you just get sick of it.”

In the video Tom Nash , known also as DJ Hookie casually muses on about multiple events in his life. one of the most notable, is him waiting beside the road, and having change thrown at his feet.  A potentially heart-wrenching moment, he followed up with “I picked it up” and the picture of Tom suddenly becomes much clearer.  This is a man who has been dealt a very rough hand in his life, having fallen very ill with a near fatal sickness at the age of 19, and been given 13 additional years to think about it leading up to the video, but he isn’t willing to let that define who he is.

He talks about his time in support groups, and how he thinks those events are a waste of time, and that the best way to continue is to get along is to spend time not with those who have similar afflications, sickesses, or maladies, but to spend time with the rest of the world.  His way of doing that is to DJ.  “Then you start thinking to yourself, I can pretty much do anything if I try doing it.”  And he did it, making what many would consider a weakness and making it his strength DJ (Hook)ie.  He is DJing Sydney venues and making his own way in the world.

Even though this video is less about his DJing and more about his general life approach, it is a certainly inspiring message to those out there considering something new.