
EDMTunes Interview: Audien

We recently wrote a piece on the “10 Members of the “New Guard” of the Next Generation of Electronic Music Producers” where we covered a handful of fresh up-and-coming producers, including Audien. We met up with Nate before his set at Exchange LA to do a one-on-one interview and find out more about the man behind powerhouse tracks such as “Ciao” and “Leaving You”.

Photo Credit: Ali DiBarba

Welcome to LA and congratulations on your recent success, 2013 has been treating you quite well. The EDMTunes family, along with just about everyone in the industry, can’t seem to get enough of you, how does this rise to fame feel?

It’s hard not to love it, it inspires you to keep going and without it (I) wouldn’t be doing what I do now.

What do you think you would be doing right now if music didn’t work out for you?

I would probably be going to college for something music related. So I think music would still be in my future but probably not in DJing or producing.

I notice that you love incorporating vocals into your tracks, how did the relationship between you and Michael S. on “Leaving You” come about?

I had just finished the track and Armada sent me Michael’s vocal which was perfect for the track since it happened to be in the same key, BPM, and everything. It was perfect timing and me and Michael spent about a month on Skype to finish the track.

When you and Michael put the finishing touches on “Leaving You”, did you know right then and there that “this it it? This is a going to be a monster hit.” or were the positive feedbacks overwhelming?

I thought the vocal was a bit poppy so at first I thought it would get more flack, but in fact it really worked well in the underground scene and on the radio.

You grew up in a small town in Connecticut, I’m sure electronic dance music wasn’t quite as exposed back then as it is today. How did you get introduced to the music?

Initially my brother helped since he had the means to get a hold of (equipment), but I actually first listened to Armin’s podcasts of A State of Trance which was what I was in to for awhile until I moved in to the progressive house because I felt like it was a little more edgy.

Just a couple of years ago, you were this small-name guy from a small town, do you ever have to stop and pinch yourself when realizing you’re doing big things now?

Yes but I’m kind of always feeling that way. It feels like a new thing comes up every week and I’ll occasionally forget what flight connections I’m suppose to take, but everything is progressing in a nice way.

I know that Above & Beyond plays has a prominent role in your heart as someone you look up to. How did it feel when you found out they were going to use “Wayfarer” as their first track ever on the new radio show?

I didn’t actually know and I found out through Twitter since it had been such big news. It was Trance Around the World 400 in Bangalore and at the same time they were holding ABGT (Above and Beyond Group Therapy) 001 at the same time. It was a good opportunity for them to showcase the new tracks and I was really glad Wayfarer was the first track they played since it made a big difference.

How was performing at EDC Chicago, EDC Las Vegas? 

It was really good. I like Las Vegas a little better than Chicago since it’s such a natural thing held annually. Chicago was my first time this year and was a little rainy during my set but it was just as good as any other set.

How do those big festivals compare to your performances at these clubs? Do you get nervous?

Not more nervous but it’s just a different mindset. With festivals I plan out my tracks a little bit more but at club venue I do things on the floor because the crowd can vary and you don’t know what the crowd goes for, but at festivals you kinda know more of what people want.

If you were given the opportunity to collaborate with anybody outside of EDM right now, who would it be and why?

Hmm… why not shoot high? Jay Z

Being in the dance music industry, the media only reflects on your music releases and tours. Tell us a little bit about yourself outside of music, what do you like to do in your down time, if you ever have any? Did you play sports?

The thing is, I actually do music so much that it’s too much of a hobby so I need to find other hobbies to balance it out. I do find down time though and when I’m at home I try to get proper rest and relax, but I’m pretty much always working.

I have one more question for you, and it’s pretty important… pirates or ninjas?

*Chuckles* I’m gonna have to say pirate.

Photo Credit: Ali DiBarba

Once our interview was over and we returned to the dance floor to catch Audien in action. The set was polarizing as Audien covered popular tracks and tracks of his own. We even got our special request for “Leaving You” to be played at exactly 2 AM done by Audien. With all his current fame and success, we at EDMTunes wish Audien the best in his future endeavors to rock stages and produce memorizing tracks, we’ll definitely be keeping our eyes on him.

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