
350-Hour Nonstop Broadcast of the Best Tunes in Trance/Progressive

Seriously though.. We’re all well aware of it.. Trance unites the world. What better way is there to unite Trance fans around the world other then an insane lineup of over 300+ of your favorite DJ’s in Trance and Progressive playing back-to-back? Thanks to Afterhours:FM, we are currently underway of the World’s Biggest Online broadcast with continuous 1 and 2 hour sets to finish the year 2012 with a BANG.

Yes.. that’s correct. You didn’t misread the title. That means 350 WHOPPING HOURS of the best in Trance every single minute, every single hour, every single day until 2013. 24/7 around the clock insanity. Just see for yourself below:

Click on picture for a larger view of the lineup!

Tune in with us at EDMtunes for the Holiday Season.. What set’s are you looking forward to in the End of the Year Countdown? Use #EOYC on Twitter and connect yourself with #TranceFamily!

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